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The sustainability of micronations: between the ephemeral and continuity.

Photo du rédacteur: Olivier MartinezOlivier Martinez

The question of the sustainability of micronations is closely linked to the desire of their founders to animate them and make them last. In most cases, it is complex for a micronation to survive its creator. However, examples of the transfer of power between founder and successor prove that the sustainability of a micronation is possible.

In this photo by Theo Denker, 3 generations of Princes of Sealand are represented.

Notable successes include that of Seborga, a micronation in Italy. After the founding by Giorgio Carbone, the city set up democratic elections to choose its Sovereign. Since then, Seborga has known three successive Sovereigns: Luigi I, Marcello I, then Mina, who is currently at its head.

Another significant example is that of Christiana, in Denmark. This micronation in the heart of Copenhagen has operated since its creation in 1971 with a collegiate body governed by a particular governance system. Thanks to this structure, Christiana has maintained its existence well beyond that of its creators.

Still in Scandinavia, Ladonia, another major micronation, created by Lars Vilks, also illustrates this successful transition. After Vilks resigned as head of his micronation, the cabinet of ministers organized a vote which led to the enthronement of the current Queen Carolyn in September 2011.

SCOOP MICROCOSME.INFO: HSH Prince Jean-Pierre IV of Aigues-Mortes is expected to give a press conference relating to his succession in the coming days. Information relayed by the princely palace of Aigues-Mortes.

In the examples of continuation by the democratic route, the Principality of Aigues-Mortes should during the year, propose to its citizens a vote of approval for the succession to the throne. In this micronation, it is the Sovereign who, if he has no heir by descent, must select an heir who must then be approved by vote of the General Assembly of citizens.

HIM Emperor Ivan VII Aleksandrovych of Pavlov

Transitions of power are not always the subject of a democratic process without this posing a problem for the citizens of the micronations concerned. Let's take the example of Pavlov's Empire, founded in July 2012. This micronation, based on an absolute monarchy inspired by Imperial Russia, saw its founder, the all-powerful Emperor Alexander IV, decide to no longer pursue micronational activities. Rather than let his empire fade into oblivion, he opted to appoint and install a close friend as his successor. Thus, today, under the reign of Ivan VII Aleksandrovych, Pavlov's Empire maintains its sustainability thanks to this planned transition.

Interestingly, the vast majority of micronations adopt monarchical regimes, reflecting the founders' concern to maintain control over their creation, much as God himself continues to do over the world. This trend is found in particular among micronations such as the very famous Principality of Sealand, where the hereditary tradition specific to monarchies has made it possible to maintain their existence.

Indeed, there are few differences with the great European monarchies, except that sometimes the designated heir is not always armed or motivated to assume the role. This is the case of the late Principality of Hutt River in Australia, which only survived 3 years and 6 months after the abdication of its founding Prince Leonard. This example chilled the blood of several micronational monarchs who today are well aware of the need to properly prepare their successions.

Prince Leonard of Eight Rivers (left) and his son, Prince Graeme (right), last and ephemeral Sovereign of this Australian principality. Prince Graeme ruled Hutt River from February 11, 2017 to August 10, 2020.

In conclusion, Micronations reveal a delicate balance between the founders' desire to see them survive and the mechanisms put in place to ensure their sustainability. Although the disappearance of founders may present a challenge to their survival, examples such as Seborga, Christiana, and Sealand illustrate different approaches that have allowed these entities to span generations. Ultimately, the sustainability of micronations depends on their ability to adapt and evolve over time, while preserving the spirit and vision of their founders.


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