The Principality of Aigues-Mortes will welcome the director Dominique Garing on Monday September 24 at the Marcel Pagnol Cinema in Aigues-Mortes. The director will screen his documentary film "Un pins pour l'Empereur".

They met in Luxembourg, Atlanta, Aigues-Mortes, Vincennes, then in Saugeais throughout a year of filming. Then, the film was screened in preview in October 2021 at the Kursaal in Besançon ( France ). It was an opportunity for Prince Jean-Pierre IV to discover this first documentary of its kind in France. Convinced by the result, the micronational Sovereign had the idea of bringing the director to Aigues-Mortes. The event was then co-organized with the association in charge of the city's cinema theater, which offers screenings-debates every monday evening.
A well-studied selection of micronations
The film tells the journey of the itinerant Ambassador of the Republic of Saugeais. Incarnated by Dominique Garing himself, the diplomatic emissary visits in turn the most emblematic micronations throughout the world. We find him accompanied by the film's co-director Clara Kawczak, in the arid steppes of the Republic of Molossia, at the Grand Bal Princier du Godet d'Or and at the micronational summit in Atlanta. The film casts its gaze on a panel of top-notch micronationalists to better understand the variety and charm of this universe.
" Initially, one expects to meet gentle misfits. Some are, but they're far from crazy".
As they meet, Dominique and Clara perceive the seriousness with which these founders of alter-state invest themselves, because under the folkloric side, there are often hidden real visions. When asked about it, Clara Kawczak replies: "Initially, you expect to meet gentle misfits. Some are, but they are far from crazy. All those I have met were very invested in their micronations. They take a lot of seriousness in developing them with a goal or a meaning that is close to their hearts. They are passionate people who think about a better way to live."
An exchange between the public and Dominique Garing will be offered at the end of the screening. Prince Jean-Pierre IV should also take part in the debates. This documentary film allows above all and finally to better understand what micronationalism is through its multiple facets. A very pleasant epic strewn with creativity, fantasy but also humanist and civic visions, which we gladly accompany until its end.