For the first time in micronationalism, a meeting brought together micronations on 4 continents.

The “Taiwanese Micronations Alliance” is a micronational organization which brings together Chinese-speaking micronations around common projects. It is chaired by His Excellency, Mr. Justin Tsaï who was elected for a 6-year term.
In the projects, the constitution of the “Formosa alliance”, whose goal is to encourage the Chinese-speaking micronations of Taiwan and Hong Kong to enter into relations with other micronational entities in the international sphere.
A physical Summit of the "Taiwanese Micronations Alliance" was held in Taipei this Saturday, 30/07/2022.

The Organization de la MicroFrancophonie (OMF) was invited to participate in part of the Summit by videoconference.
The Principalities of Aigues-Mortes, Hélianthis, Anthophilia, and the Republic of Jaïlavera in Europe, the Neugraviat of Saint-Castin in North America as well as the state of NovaTroie in Africa have mobilized their heads of state , heads of government and other officials to represent OMF during this exchange.
Given the time difference, the dignitaries of all these delegations got up early for some or slept late for others. Ultimately, 4 continents were united around this meeting.
His Excellency Duke Geoffrey MATHES, Chancellor of the Prince of Aigues-Mortes and Secretary General of the OMF, had prepared a slide show which had been sent to his Taiwanese counterpart 48 hours before the event, in order to anticipate a translation into Mandarin.
Each participant introduced himself by citing his micronation of belonging. This was followed by an oral presentation of the OMF by the Secretary General. All discussions were conducted in English, in order to facilitate the work of the interpreters.
This event was an opportunity to maintain and strengthen a friendly bond between the two organizations, whose first virtual meeting dates back to May 2022.
