One last time. That was the mission of the Micro Euro Summit 2024. One last time in Chyše (for the time being). As all good things come in threes, so was there the need to end the first chapter of MES history with another summit in the place where it all began.

It was here that, three years ago, the question of whether it is feasible to organize a micronational summit on a budget and in Europe, and without prior experience, was answered. Answered with a resounding yes. And now, the Micro Euro Summit has taken its place alongside the big names such as PoliNation and MicroCon, as one of the quintessential micronational summits.
But back to Chyše. After two summits held in this Czech town, the MES planning committee had already exhausted all options for side events and entertainment. Or so they thought. Plans to organize a band, to hold a small concert, fell through pretty quickly, but thanks to the owner of the Chyše castle and castle Brewer, Mr. Lazansky, they were able to, once again, secure the keys for the old brewery catacombs and the abandoned monastery.
So, the MES began on Friday (19th of July) as it always does, with most attendees arriving, setting up their displays and sitting down in the beer garden for a chat. However, in the evening, they were treated to a truly special event, when President Zar Antonov of Obscurium performed the world famous poem “The Raven”, by Edgar Allen Poe, in the abandoned monastery, to the great delight of all spectators. The performance was enhanced through a previously set up scene, candles, costumes, lasers, music and even through the use of an artificial raven.

Then, the main conference day, Saturday (20th of July), arrived. This year’s presentations included talks about Europe and Regionalism, about the place of micronations in the community of global villages, about education and history, about uniforms and medals and about specific micronations, which were attending for the first time.A letter from Governor de Vitalis of Graecia was also read at the start, highlighting his absence due to him currently serving in the Greek military.
All of the presentations in the morning and at noon, were followed by the announcement of the MES Anthem, the MES Song “Special Train to Chyše”, and the next MES. Or rather, MicroMESCon, a collaboration between MicroCon EU and the Micro Euro Summit, for 2025, when this, first joint micronational convention, will take place within the micronation known as the Kingdom of Romkerhall, in Northern Germany. And the people were amazed and ecstatic at these revelations, which were followed by the grand finale of the conference part of the summit, the traditional group photographs. Due to a wedding taking place in the Beer Garden, the flag photograph was taken in front of Chyše Castle, while the group photograph was taken in the castle courtyard, as usual.

Later that afternoon, attendees got a chance to take a look inside the brewery, which had been the home of the MES for three years, and witness and taste, first-hand, the beer, which is made here. Seeing the freshly made and ice cold beer being poured into the glasses, right from the brewery tanks, and getting to taste it right away, was unquestionably another, unique, highlight of the MES 2024. But all good things must end. And once again, they ended in the traditional way, with the Saturday evening dinner, with a big awards ceremony. Here, not only gifts and medals between attendees were exchanged, but the MES Planning Committee also bestowed a 3rd attendance medal upon all those who had remained faithful to the Micro Euro Summit, from the very beginning.
The Summit came to an end with a small tour of the brewery catacombs, which included a cameo from Obscurium’s Holy Dragon, and with a bigger tour of the Svetce Riding Hall, near Tachov, on Sunday, for those who stuck around. In the latter location, many more photographs were taken and, after one last lunch, goodbyes were said and the groups finally dispersed, going on their respective ways and pledging to meet again at the MicroMESCon 2025.
