The new micronational meeting in Europe is preparing its first edition.

The first Micro-Euro-Summit will take place at Chyse Castle in the Czech Republic from June 24-26, 2022. It is organized by the Parliamentary Monarchy of Ducktionary and the United Republic of Obscurium.
The two young micronations have joined forces to create a meeting that is much more cultural than academic. Participants will benefit from a dedicated space to exhibit what they want to present about their micronations. It is not a conference but rather a meeting, since no intervention is included in the program of their site. A stamp workshop will be held by Yourstamps on the last day.
For young European micronations, the Micro-Euro-Summit is a great opportunity to meet people, introduce themselves to others and discuss constructive ideas to advance their own micronation. A dinner to award prizes and decorations will close the event.
For now, the organizers announce the participation of six micronations on the site. That's not all, the ABC Australia television channel should cover the event.
It is still possible to register for this summit, which promises to be one of the cheapest in terms of accommodation and service for this year 2022. Here is the link to the site:

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