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Jean-Pierre IV submits a candidate for his succession.

Photo du rédacteur: Olivier MartinezOlivier Martinez

Dernière mise à jour : 16 mai 2024

We'll delve into the discourse of Jean-Pierre IV. His intervention marks a small revolution in the world of micronations as it's the first time a merger between two micronations is being considered to ensure the longevity of one of them.

HSH Prince Jean-Pierre IV giving his speech in his office.

The issue of micronation sustainability is a recurring topic, discussed at numerous summits. Particularly notable was Queen Carolyn of ladonia presentation at the MicroCon summit held in 2022 in Las Vegas.

Today, Jean-Pierre IV is proposing another micronational leader to eventually succeed him, providing a new sustainable option for other micronations seeking to outlive their founders. While not unprecedented, as seen in the case of the Kingdom of Scone and the Empire of Pavlov, this decision, if approved by the citizens of Aigues-Mortes, will bring about significant changes in the micronational world. This includes implications for organizations like the Microfrancophonie, which would lose a member micronation as the Principality of Bérémagne becomes annexed by Aigues-Mortes.

The deal between the two micronational principalities is a true win-win: Aigues-Mortes secures its longevity, while Bérémagne's founder, Prince Emanuel, inherits one of the world's most iconic micronations. The citizens of Aigues-Mortes will vote to approve this agreement, legitimizing Emanuel as the prince-in-waiting. Bérémagne is set to become a duchy, reserved for the heirs of Aigues-Mortes' throne, akin to Wales for the British Crown and Asturias for Spain.

HSH Prince Emanuel of Bérémagne, from now on Also "Designatus " pretender to the Aigues-Mortese throne

Conceptually, Bérémagne, virtually located in Canada, will serve as a refuge for Aigues-Mortes' population threatened by rising sea levels, promoting ecological awareness and climate change action. This visionary yet practical approach mirrors that of the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis, which prohibits human presence in its designated Antarctic territory to raise awareness for environmental causes.

Jean-Pierre IV decision stems from a lack of viable candidates among his fellow citizens. Managing a micronation the size of Aigues-Mortes demands constant and sustained involvement, which intimidates many. Thus, natural heirs and descendants of micronation founders sometimes hesitate to assume leadership. What better solution than to entrust another passionate micronationalist with the mantle of responsibility? Yet, it hinges on the citizens' willingness to confer such status upon an unfamiliar figure, a true test of trust and loyalty for Jean-Pierre IV.

In conclusion, we see that the proper application of a constitution is vital for legitimizing and perpetuating a micronation. Jean-Pierre IV's willingness to stake his reputation with his own citizens to ensure the longevity of his micronation further solidifies his stature as a micronational statesman.

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