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Is the Microworld so different from the Macroworld?

Photo du rédacteur: Olivier MartinezOlivier Martinez

Religions have produced the cultures on which morality is based, the ways of life and consumption which shape us. Our tastes, our reflexes and what seems normal or abnormal to us are undeniably the result. Although micronationalists are very creative and inclined to reinvent worlds of their own. These new worlds generally remain in the same culture of their creators. We will illustrate this observation with a few examples.

The logo of CRBS, the Saint-Castin chain (Canada)

Let's start with the way in which micronations produce, for example, their video programs, more particularly television news or their radio broadcasts. You will notice that the graphic charters and credits chosen by North American micronations are very close to those used by CNN, CBS, Fox or ABC. On the European side, the same similarities are observed.

Now let's look at morality. During an inter-micronational gathering, a micronationalist from Asia had great difficulty rubbing shoulders with a transgender micronationalist at the table, which resulted in a rather embarrassing altercation for the guests attending. Would this same micronationalist have had the same opinion if he had grown up in the West where states produce information campaigns on the transgender issue? Would European guests be as tolerant if they had grown up in Asia in countries where religious morality dictates societal laws? Of course not. It is therefore no surprise that the consideration of LGBTQ+ people is exactly the same in the Microworld as that which we see in different regions of the world. The vision and place of women follows this same logic in the Microworld.

Former King James I of Scone with Grand Duke Travis of Westarctica.

Let's move on to uses and customs. This is perhaps where the creativity of certain micronations does more of its work while others will rather respect ancestral traditions. Let's take the example of the Fomoire Institute, whose existence only finds meaning in the rehabilitation of a legendary Celtic nation. For this, these micronationalists have given birth to rites and a language which result from their imagination. We could also talk about Juclandia, a friendly kingdom of stuffed animals or the principality of Anthophilia where Prince Jonathan 1st reigns over several bee hives. These micronations are the polar opposites of the Kingdom of Scone which, under the leadership of its ex-King James I, was directly inspired by the British monarchy or the Empire of Pavlov which is reminiscent of Imperial Russia in every way.

We can therefore conclude that although micronations are capable of originality in certain areas, they nevertheless remain very strongly influenced by the culture of their founders. A North American micronation will undeniably be built and thought of in an American way, from the design of its website to its way of communicating with others, just as a European micronation will do it in its own way. A micronation's concerns in Africa and its responses to them will vary and procrastinate in the same way with other micronations around the world as do UN-recognized African states. An Egyptian micronation will always be more likely to be Muslim than another, just as an Irish micronation will be Christian or secular rather than Hindu or Jewish.

The princely ball of the Godet d'or organized by the principality of Aigues-Mortes, a micronational institution directly inspired by the ball of the rose in Monaco.

Micronationalists create their countries with societies much more similar than their founders like to think. This is proof that micronationalists are no less human and influenceable than any other person on this good old Earth. There can never be a single thought, however, over time, micronationalists have learned more quickly to know and appreciate each other better. Although different, they have learned to come together and where wars exist in the World, there are discussions and exchanges in the Microworld. Of course, they can be lively at times, but the desire to always understand the other remains essential. This is why the Microworld brings a much better result in terms of exchanges and tolerance. This is why it is different, if not better.


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