The tenth edition of the Godet d'or was held on Saturday September 24, 2022 at the prince's palace in Aigues-Mortes. A gala that concludes a summer rich in micronational events.

The Godet d'Or Gala Evening has become a micronational tradition over the past decade. During this evening, the micronationalists meet in a convivial spirit and with all the splendor of the court of the Prince of Aigues-Mortes.
Formerly known as a ball, the evening has evolved into a gala whose banquet this year marked the tin jubilee of Prince Jean-Pierre IV of Aigues-Mortes. For this occasion, the event welcomed the highest dignitaries of 12 micronations from Europe and North America.

This Godet d'Or therefore represented a particular challenge for the princely couple of Aigues-Mortes who wanted to offer a moment that was as festive as it was sumptuous to their guests.
For the banquet, the emphasis was on local and seasonal products. The wines offered were of the princely cuvée just like the Champagne which flowed freely all evening.
For the festive atmosphere, attendees could count on Princess Olivia-Eugénie who knows how to welcome her guests with a humor that never misses an opportunity to relax everyone. The Princess was made Dame of the Order of the Hesperides by Queen Carolyn of Ladonia during the evening.
At the end of the banquet, Prince Jean-Pierre IV raised 4 personalities from Aigues-Mortes to the rank of knights and ladies of the great prince's order of the flamingo. The Sovereign wanted to reward loyalty and participation in the life of the aigues-mortese micronation among his fellow citizens. The Prince's Chancellor, Duke Geoffrey Mathes was among those honored by the Prince, as was Mr. Ludovic Troubat, Captain of the Prince's Guard since 2014. A fifth person from the micronational world, Mrs. Sandra Petermann from the University of Mainz was honored by the sovereign.

Another great honor was presented during the evening. This is the Norton Prize to HRH Grand Duke Nicholas of Flandrensis. The award was presented to him by the Micronational Hall of Excellence during MicroCon 2022. Prince Jean-Pierre IV and Queen Carolyn represented the committee of the prestigious organization. They passed the Norton Prize medal to the Grand Duke under the applause of the micro-national dignitaries present.
With the gala, the guests were able to visit an exhibition on the 10 years of the Principality of Aigues-Mortes which had been set up by the Prince's Palace in the room of the Prince's cabinet transformed into an ephemeral museum.
