La Microfrancophonie will proceed to the 6th election of its Secretary-General, thus testifying to extraordinary longevity and stability in the world of micronations. One after the other, the secretaries-general have strived to bring to life and develop this great house which has become the temple of French-speaking micronations in the world.

Currently, Microfrancophonie brings together 26 member micronations located on 3 continents. It was able to organize 4 summits, all successful and demonstrating a unity and camaraderie that seemed foolproof.
It was today that two candidates were officially validated by the High Commissioner, guarantor of the organization's institutions, Prince Jean-Pierre IV of Aigues-Mortes. The first is the current Secretary-General, Mr. Dominic Desaintes, who announced his candidacy on October 5. The second is Mr. Rémi Leprince-Ringuet who preferred to wait for the official validation of the High Commissioner published today to make his candidacy known.
Dominic Desaintes, the enthusiast
The outgoing Secretary-General is extremely passionate and creative. He has a particular affection for Microfrancophonie being one of its founding fathers. Under his mandate, he brought more transparency and communication within institutions. It is also a more flexible organization that has emerged under his mandate. Microfrancophonie has recorded the entry of several young micronations and has been able to adapt to them. However, it is always not an easy thing to reconcile the different generations between it and micronationalism is by no means an exception.
We could therefore speak of a positive outcome at the end of his mandate without necessarily being perfect, because many discords also emerged under his mandate, very often caused by his impatience and his obstinacy in doing things before others, and sometimes, going beyond conventions and established rules. No one is perfect, and others may have made mistakes too. Mr. Desaintes is therefore not to blame more than anyone else, but it is indeed on this point of his personality that he will have to reassure in order to run for a second term, because from there arise two fundamental aspects of the function : trust and institutional rigor.
Rémi Leprince-Ringuet, the politician
The unexpected outsider of this election is therefore the Prince of Ferthroy, Mr. Rémi Leprince-Ringuet. He is a calm man and passionate about politics. What we can say favorably about this candidate is his listening skills and his ability to start over and delegate tasks within a team. Just look at how he recruited and organized his micronation's government team to help it evolve. He is a true conciliator, but it is rather rare to find these qualities in most of our micronational friends, who certainly have assertive egos, but are not always productive for managing a team. This is therefore a real plus in his favor to which is added a real rigorous spirit.
We could therefore talk about a perfect candidate, but no one is. As for His Serene Highness, it is his apparent shyness that does not make him a good communicator in the first place. He will be expected by his peers for his ability to put forward his ideas and make them heard. He is known to be very active in several associative fields, which gives him significant experience for the position sought but a person who is too busy might not have the necessary time, how can we guarantee that he will be capable of it, necessarily risks being a another answer to be provided.
The electoral campaign which is announced today will therefore have some answers to provide to the member micronations to decide to vote for one or the other of the two announced candidates.

In any case, it is a real election that is coming with one big absentee who also created a surprise. This is Prince Vincent I of Helianthis. The latter did not give a reason for this resolution not to run as he did during a last election. He was seen as a natural candidate for this election within the Microfrancophonie.
Thus, these elections will only have one round and the representatives of the member micronations will have to speak between October 21 and 27. Once elected, the next Secretary-General will have to tackle a probable reform of the statutes of the organization which must face new realities, underlying conflicts between member micronations tend to be resolved, as for Interaction and collaboration between member micronations are sorely lacking today because no common project sees the light of day outside of the bi-annual summits. The future mandate will therefore be decisive in revitalizing this house which, like any house, perhaps requires a good spring cleaning to better reveal its treasures.
