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Empire Karno-Ruthénien


Von Götzö-Thomaz-Rocha
Fonction Chef d'état
Position Head of State
Sa Majesté Impériale et Royale Apostolique
His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty
Empereur de Karniche
Roi de Ruthénie
Roi d'Acrin
Roi de Bessabie
Roi d'Eslavija
Roi d'Horvatie
Roi de Szolnók
Roi de Geza
Roi de Letingie
Roi d'Escandie
Roi de Jestie
Roi d'Eniarku
Archiduc de Karniche
Grand-Duc de Gaussland
Grand-Duc de Calédonie
Grand-Duc de Leuvenberg
Grand-Duc de Strene
Grand Prince de Karga-Grand
Prince du Byzantium Novum
Prince de Thomaz-Rocha
Prince de Bersód
Prince d'Amérique du Nord
Prince-Protecteur des hanséatiques
Prince de Bomerode
Duc de Ladislavie
Duc d'Hoheneinsamkeit
Duc des Eaux Blanches
Duc de Csorne
Duc de Chedowski
Duc du Balaton
Duc de Persenbourg
Duc de Götzödorf
Duc des Mohács
Duc de Pannonhalm
Duc de Podendrad
Duc de Gyalle
Duc d'Oswiencin
Duc de Zallante
Duc de Cieszpreg
Duc de Fertodin
Duc de Rugoz
Duc D'Árpád
Duc D'Ingelger
Duc de Tourkie
Duc de Cabugi
Duc d'Andrasingen
Duc d'Elzaizmet
Duke de Chikla
Infant de Woestein
Margrave de Luftrein
Margrave de la haute et de la basse Lusitie
Marquis d'Arpuro
marquis de Russendorf
Marquis de León
Comte Princier de Bihar
Comte de Tamaz
Comte de Koberg
Comte de Gérizie
Comte de Grevenne
Comte d'heves
Comte de Feldkirchenberg
Comte du Brevento
Comte de Chentes
Comte de la Paz
Comte de Villène
Comte de Figueira
Comte Götzö de Biharkerechte
Vicomte de Saint Paul des Champs de Piratininga
Baron de Gloria
Baron dOngal-Ruthénie-Carpathie
Seigneur de Fürstenbergserdboden
Seigneur de Kazin
Co-Domnitor de Carpathie
Protecteur de Cardonie
Emperor of Karnia
King of Ruthenia
King of Bessabia
King of Acrin
King of Horvatia
King of Szolnók
King of Geza
King of Letingia
King of Escandia
King of Jestia
King of Eniarku
Archduke of Karnia
Grand Duke of Gaussland|
Grand Duke of Caledonia
Grand Duke of Leuvenberg|Grand-Duc de Leuvenberg
Grand Duke of Strena
Grand Prince of KarcagGreat Prince of Byzantium Novum
Prince of Thomaz-Rocha
Prince of Bersód
Prince of North America
Prince of Pomerode
Prince-Protector of the Hanseatics
Duke of Ladislavia
Duke of Hoheneinsamkeit
Duke of Weißeswasser
Duke of Csorna
Duke of Chedowski
Duke of Balaton
Duke of Persenburg
Duke of Götzödorf
Duke of Mohács|
Duke of Pannonhalm
Duke of Podenbrad
Duke of Gyalla
Duke of Oswiencin
Duke of Zallanta
Duke of Cieszpreg
Duke of Fertodin
Duke of Rugoz
Duke of Árpád
Duke of Ingelger
Duke of Tourkia
Duke of Cabugi
Duke of Andrasingen
Duke of Ezëzmet
Duke of Szikla
Infante of Woestein
Margrave of Luftrein
Margrave of Upper and Lower Lusitia
Marquis of Arpuro
Marquis of Russendorf
Marquis of León
Princely Count of Bihar
Count of Tamaz
Count of Koberg
Count of Gerizia|
Count of Grevenia
Count of Heves
Count of Feldkirchenberg
Count of Brevento
Count of Szentes
Count of La Paz
Count of Villena
Count of Figueiral
Count Gőtző de Biharkeresztes
Viscount of Saint Paul of the Fields of Piratininga
Baron of Gloria
Baron of Ongal-Ruthenia-Carpathia
Lord of Fürstenbergserdboden
Lord of Kazin
Co-Domnitor of Carpathia
Protector of Cardonia
Décorations Honorifiques / Honorary Decoration
Sovereign of the Order of the Edelweiss
Grand Master of the Royal Order of St. Stephen.
Grand Master of the Most Noble Order of St. Peter.
Grand Master of the Most Excellent Order of St. Paul.
Grand Master of the Order of the Imperial Crown
Grand Master of the Imperial Order of Oscar
Sovereign of the Order of Maurice de Saxe
Sovereign of the Order of St. George
Grand Master of the Imperial Order of Anton
Grand Master of the Order for Services to the Red Cross
Grand Master of the Order of St. Luke the Evangelist
Grand Cross of the Order of Ottokar
Sovereign and Master of the Order of the Crown
Sovereign and Master of the Order of the White Lion.
Sovereign of the Order of North America.
Sovereign of the Wilhelmine Order.
Master of the Cross of Independence.
Master of the Service Medal.
Master of the Medal for Military Valor.
Master of the Honor Cross.
Sovereign of the Order of Norton
Commander of the Order of Phoenix.
Aristocratic Chieftain of the Clans of Acrin.
Knight of the Most Excellent and Imperial Order of the Yellow Dragons of Myrotania
Knight of the Order of the Rose of Harenfall.
Officer of the Most Honourable Order of Lundenwic.
Knight of 1st Class of the Order of the Golden Dragon of Unironic Empire.
Knight of the Order of the Black Griffin.
Grand Collar of the Order of the Trident.
Kouropalates of Imvrassia.
Grand Knight of the Imperial and Royal Most Excellent Order of the Imperium Abludum.
Knight Penguin Commander of the Order of the Emperor Penguin.
Knight Commander of the Order of St. Bartholomew.
Commander of 3rd Rank of the Order of Andres Bonifacio.
Principal Patron of the Equestrian Order of Saint Thomas.
Commander 1st Class of the Order of Saturn.
Medal of Recognition of Surland.
Knight of the Order of the Imperial Star.
Diplomacy Medal of Surland.
Commander of the Royal Order of Mandela.
Commander of the Regal National Order of Schkoppe
Knight of the Order of King Henry the Lion.
Knight Commander of the Most Gracious Order of the Marquis.
Grand Officer of the Artistic Order of the Golden Sphere.
Commander of the Princely Order of the Saint-Louis Academy.
Recipient of the Order of Raymond V.
Grand Officer of the Order of Pyrus-Arancio.
Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Melting Mountain. (first time)
King's Day List of Honour.
Knight First Class of the National Order of Nganga.
Knight of the Order of Saint Clemens
Recipient of the Presidential Award of Merit and Honour of Ashukovo.
Recipient of the Order of the Double Headed Eagle.
Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Imperial Crown.
Grand Collar of the Order of Andres Bonifacio.
Knight of the Order of Golden Fleece.
Knight of the Order of the Silver Lion
Knight of the Most Serene Order of St. Mark.
Grand Cross of the Most Serene Order of the Magnum Heart.
Grand Cross of the Most Serene Order of Vissen the Mad.
Honorary Citizen of the Bucovenian Republic.
Grand Cross of the Order of the Fair and Most Serene Crown of Nossia.
Knight of the Order of Saint Brendan the Navigator.
Congressional Medal of Micronational Advancement
Dignitary of Royal Order of the Black Eagle of Deltaria.
Recipient of the Order of the Black Eagle.
Grand Cross of the Most Serene Order of the Golden Triumph.
Grand Cross of the Most Serene Order of the Blue Blood
Merited Heraldist of the State of Portuvera.
Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Dolphin.
Recipient of the Regal Order of Fidelity.
Stranger Knight Commander of the Order of the Flame of Lorenzuburg.
Grand Cross of the Order of the Swiss Prince.
Grand Cross of the Order of the Silver Cat
Legion of Honor of the Shark of Rino Island
Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Rita of Cascia.
Recipient of the Medal of the Revenge of Burgundy
Grand Cross of the Micronational Order of the Dauphin.
Recipient of the Order of Tolba, First Class.
Stranger Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Black Pelican.
Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Melting Mountain. (second time)
Knight of the Most Auspicious Order of the Sanghamitra.
Knight of the Order of the Holy Deity.
Knight Commander of the Legion of Honor of Lubenia.
Member Special Class of the Order of Diplomatic Service Merit.
Knight Grand Cross of the South.
Presidential Citation of Merit.
Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Saturn.
Knight First Class of the Imperial Order of Saint Joachim
Grand Commander of the Most Gallant Order of Mahabali Karthika Padaka.
Recipient of the Cross of Saint Augustine.
Grand Colonel of the Order of Blue Cross
Recipient of the Medal of Foundation of Sildavia.
Grand Cross of the Order of Sildavian Merit.
Knight of the Most Esteemed Order of the Royal Family of Kamrupa.
Recipient of the Order of Trotsky
Stranger Knight of the Most Exalted Royal Family Order of Vishwamitra.
Recipient of the National Service Medal.
Paramdeshabandhu of Vishwamitra.
Commander Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Walpurgis and the Second Monarchy.
Grand Knight of the Most Noble Royal Family Order of Purvanchal.
Grand Cross of the Order of the Eagle of Taslavia.
Knight of Ebenthal.
Knight of the Order of the Golden Wyvern.
Recipient of the Commemorative Medal of the First Anniversary of the Vishwamitran Monarchy.
Member of the Order of the Federation.
Knight Grand Cordon of the Most Exalted Order of the Helmond Bernhard
Knight Grand Collar of the Most Noble Order of Queensland Friendship
Southern Cross
Knight Companion of the Most Esteemed Order of the Royal House of Purvanchal
Member First Class of the Most Esteemed Royal Family Order of Beltola
Knight of the Most Auspicious Order of the Cross of Saint Stephen
Member First Class of the Order for Diplomatic Merit
Knight Grand Cordon of the Most Illustrious Royal Order of the Crown of Vishwamitra
Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Melting Mountain
Knight of the Most Noble Order of Pedro II
Knight Grand Cross with Collar of the Royal Family Order of the Crown of Queensland
Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Chopi Blackbird.
Commander Grand Cross of the Premier and Exalted Order of Kamrupa.
Recipient of the Order of Saint Michael and Gavril.
Stranger Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Gatfar
First Class of the Most Exalted Order of the Queenslandian Famous Valour
Military Grand Cross of the Most Eminent Order of the Queenslandian Military Merit
Recipient of the Commemorative Medal of the First Queen’s Day.
Knight of the Imperial Order of the Bordurian Eagle.
Knight of the Order of the Sayvillian Lion
Knight Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of the Three Builders of Queensland
Recipient of the 7 Year National and Independence Day Anniversary Medal
Stranger Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Cheskgariya and Litvania
Knight of the Most Auspicious Order of the Cross of Saint Stephen
Fonctions occupées dans des organisations micronationales
Positions held in micronational organizations
Secrétaire- Général de la conférence de Santiago ( 19 Août 2021 - 05 Janvier 2022 )
Secretary-General of the Conference of Santiago (19 August 2021 - 05 January 2022)
Membre honoraire de l'institut Historique et Géographique de Maurense.
Honorary Member of the Maurense Historic and Geographical Institute.
Président d'honneur de la Conférence de Santiago
Chairman of Honor of the Conference of Santiago
Citoyen d'honneur de la République Bucovienne
Honorary Citizen of the Bucovenian Republic.
Citoyen d'honneur de l'état de Vishwamitra
Honorary Citizen of the State of Vishwamitra.
Citoyen d'honneur et Chevalier des territoires Latérans.
Honorary Citizen and Knight of the Lateran Territories.
Citoyen d'honneur de l'état de Portuvera
Honorary Citizen of the State of Portuvera.